Woke up with a headache which progressively got worse throughout the day. I’m wondering if I did something to my neck yesterday with my random grip pullups because it feels like the headache I get sometimes the day after a big session on ninja obstacles.
Today is leg day, but my knee is still shonky as, so I thought I’d just play with some bouldering at lunchtime to try and re-toughen my hands. The headache and overall soreness made this pretty rough, I didn’t feel agile or non-old at all, so I glad it up pretty quickly. The last thing I need is to fall off a wall because my body and reflexes aren’t up to any challenges.
Speaking of challenges… I don’t know if it was any residue chalk on my hand, or somewhat freshness, but I was able to do 5 pull ups on the nunchuks… yesterday I could barely do one. Was it a high-gravity day yesterday?
After work I did my tendonitis eccentric exercises… I included the bicep curls that gave me trouble last week. I lightened the load though and they weren’t a problem at all.
My knee is still definitely an issue. I have no idea why it hasn’t healed yet. C’mon guy, heal!
Training Journal Stats
- Tendonitis in both elbows
- Gammy left knee (Quad steps two weeks ago)
Sore bits:
- Back, shoulders & chest
Goal for this week:
- Reconfigure my workouts
Goals for June:
- Successfully land a 9ft (2.7 meters) lache.
- Successfully catch the UFO grab from a lache.
2017 goals:
- Submit an application for Australian Ninja Warrior Season 2
- Submit an application for American Ninja Warrior Season 10
- Complete at least 5 obstacles in a NNL or UNAA comp