Guess who’s back?

Hi everyone!


So, it’s been a good 2 years since I’ve last posted, and it’s been a jam-packed couple of years.

I’m still in the US and I’m still very much intending to try and get onto American Ninja Warrior, but part of the reason for the complete lack of effort on this site is that I’ve just had continual issues with overuse injuries.

I’ve had Climber’s Elbow on my left elbow for over 2 years.  I’ve tried lots of different methods to manage this injury, but it’s still quite painful even today.  The pain isn’t the issue as much as the fear that I might make the problem worse by ignoring it.  I rehab it most nights but I’ve been unable to resolve it completely.  Effectively it limits lots of upper body activities and becomes super painful on obstacles like the Salmon Ladder.

In the last 8 months, I’ve also had huge issues with my right hip flexor.   It seems to be a fairly minor hip flexor strain, but it just doesn’t seem to go away.  This affects my running and really any lower body obstacle attempts…. so I haven’t done any parkour training.  I’ve also got an amazing home gym in the middle of a pandemic and my body won’t let me use it.

If you’ve ever played a team sport, sitting on the sidelines injured is the worst.  It’s tough watching everyone else compete when all you want to do is get amongst it.  I’ve barely been on social media at all in the last two years because it’s just so rough watching you all do amazing things.

If anyone has any ideas on solving Climber’s Elbow or a Hip Flexor strain, I’d love to hear about it!


I haven’t been completely slack though, and while I’ve been laying low trying to get my body back to a place where I can train normally, I’ve been working on a few things that will hopefully help the Ninja community.

Exciting thing Number 1 is the International Xcellence Games League, which will be an international ninja competition so ninjas can see how they rank against all the other ninjas in the world.  It’s still very new and we’re working out the details now, but we’re really excited to help make Ninja obstacle course runs an international sport.  Obviously we’re aware of the great work that the NNL and UNAA are doing and we want to complement and expand on that.

If any Aussie gyms are interesting in helping us, please let us know…

If any Ninjas are interested in more details, here are all the socials:

YouTube : Xcellence Games

Instagram : xcellencegames

Facebook : Xcellence-Games

Twitter : IXGL_org

Cinnamon : IXGL_org

Website :


So, that’s exciting.

The next couple of things I’ve been up to have been trying to solve a problem.  I noticed a while ago that so many of my ninja friends where getting huge numbers of followers on all their socials, but were still struggling to make ends meet financially, especially with the cost of traveling to competitions, etc.  The really famous ninjas might make some money from social media or Patreon, but for everyone else it’s pretty difficult.

To help with this I created gFam.

gFam is a platform for people to earn directly off their audience through tips.  The tips can be absolutely tiny, or pretty big and the platform doesn’t take any fees whatsoever… your audience could be spread all over the world, and no one pays exchange rates or fees.  The tips are instant and so there’s no concern about being demonetized or de-platformed which seems to be all the rage these days.

It’s able to offer this using blockchain technology, which I totally understand is out of most people’s comfort zones… but it’s totally free to set up, so if you’re interested or have any questions, hit me up in the comments of this website or whichever social media you found this on.

We’re still very much developing it, we’re barely half-way through, so don’t be too rough on us… still lots of features to come, but I wanted to share it with you all anyway.



Twitter: globalfamilyapp


Coil: gfam


If gFam is trying to solve the issues with Instagram and Patreon, etc… then the other project I’m helping with is trying to solve YouTube’s problems.

I think on YouTube my channel had something like 50,000 views overall, but I honestly didn’t make any money at all because of copyright strikes, etc that can be really hard to dispute if you’re not massive.  It can be truly hard to make anything from your content on YouTube… you need a lot of views, and your audience has to click on the ads. uses a different model.  If subscribers watch your content, you receive micropayments, which add up, even with only a fraction of the views you’d normally get on YouTube. No need to interrupt your video to talk about your sponsors or anything… there’s no need for ads at all.

I’ve personally made a couple of hundred dollars worth from this site through the micropayments and Cinnamon’s boost program and contests.  Again, they’re using blockchain technology, and I know that makes people nervous, but it really is incredible technology.  Again, happy to answer any questions you have on all of this or you can ask them yourself on their Twitter or Instagram.


Obviously neither gFam nor Cinnamon want to replace your activities on your social media, it’s all about adding to the funness.

Thanks so much for reading… if you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know!

Train hard Ninjas!

Aussie Ninja Warrior Logo



1 Comment

  1. Adam

    One of the users of gFam posted a small review of the site yesterday:

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