Based on the session I had with that personal trainer, and a few different conversations I’ve had with people, I decided to change things up a bit.
Changing always fills me with a heap of dread, because, in my mind, grinding away is the only way to build and improve… but the question I have to ask myself is ‘Am I grinding away at the right things?‘ So I’m going to try a couple of things out to see how it all fits. I can always go back to my workouts as they were.
Tuesday prior to today:
- P90X3 Complex Upper
- Grip Strength workout
- Obstacle training
A couple of people raised concerns that I was beating my tendonitis-y forearms up too much on one day… which was intentional because there was a lot of gainz to be gotten plus I wanted my elbows to recover by Friday’s Ninja Warrior class.
So, today was:
- 5 minute warmup on rower
- A series of pull-ups from various grips and bars
- Push-ups on floor and on rings
That was one session and then the second session was just my tendonitis eccentric exercises on a cable machine.
I’m not sure how I feel… I totally don’t feel like I worked nearly as hard as I usually would on a Tuesday… but one PT said I needed more consistency in my week, and another said I should reduce my obstacle training to once a week until my tendonitis is healed.
I do feel that pull-ups using various grips is way more useful to me than my usual more-static grip strength workout, but I am worried about losing strength that I’ve built up. My workout was super adhoc as I was just bouncing between different bits of the gym like a weirdo. I’ll have to think this through a bit more.
I didn’t train at lunchtime because my coccyx (tailbone) was super sore and tight. I honestly don’t know what I did to that guy but he was really unhappy.
Training Journal Stats
- Tendonitis in both elbows
- Gammy left knee (Quad steps two weeks ago)
Sore bits:
- Coccyx sore
Goal for this week:
- Reconfigure my workouts
Goals for June:
- Successfully land a 9ft (2.7 meters) lache.
- Successfully catch the UFO grab from a lache.
2017 goals:
- Submit an application for Australian Ninja Warrior Season 2
- Submit an application for American Ninja Warrior Season 10
- Complete at least 5 obstacles in a NNL or UNAA comp