Hi everyone! So, it’s been a good 2 years since I’ve last posted, and it’s been a jam-packed couple of years. I’m still in the US and I’m still very much intending to try and get onto American Ninja Warrior, but part...
Celebrity Ninja Warrior Celebrity Ninja Warrior aired last night in the US on NBC. You can watch it here on this link although you might need a US VPN. http://www.nbc.com/american-ninja-warrior/video/celebrity-ninja-warrior/3520440 It was actually a...
Ninjas in Training Welcome to the second installment of Ninjas in Training! The true beauty of Ninja Warrior is that it requires such a huge cross section of skill-sets, and so everyone tackles their training in a completely different way. We’ll...
I’ll admit… I was completely star-struck, right up until he said the words “Today is gonna be tough, it’s going to hurt.” I’d be training obstacles the last two nights, and I was already sore but I was only in Houston...
I was very excited to be approached by Obstacle Racers Australia to do a little article on little ol’ me. While I’ve enjoyed the articles and interviews I’ve done in the past, this one is really very much in the field I’m interested...
While there are a trillion exercises you can do to prepare for Ninja Warrior, I think these 3 exercises to master for Australian Ninja Warrior are the most useful. Let’s just jump straight in! 1.) Hangboard pullups There is so much to like about...
Salmon Ladder Ninja Warrior training For those that don’t know, the Salmon Ladder is an obstacle on American Ninja Warrior that’s been around since the start, is incredibly hard, is in every version of the show and forces veterans and rookies...
It’s really, really important to take your training outside as much as you can… it might not always been appealing but you’ve got to train outside for Australian Ninja Warrior. Gym is for strength, outside is for tough Let’s...