It is always weird writing in the 3rd person, but here we are.
Channel 9 chucked an article about me up on their website, which was super super super super super super super nice of them. Although they did make a slight error, they said I’ve gotten 10,000 views overall… whereas we’re getting 10,000 views a day when Australian Ninja Warrior airs. Not bad lil Aussie Ninja Warrior.
The article is regionally restricted though, so for all you internationals, here is the article in picture form (click on it to make it bigggerrrrr – you might also need to ‘expand the image’ top right corner):
And here is my run in video form.
This moment really was one of the most fun, most exciting experiences in my life. I feel like my skills and strength have come a long way since this was filmed in December… so fingers crossed there is a Season 2 and I’m lucky enough to go through it all again!